Friday, March 20, 2015

This is how anti-semitism works in Missouri politics (and how big money moves, or doesn't move), and more revelations

And statements from John Hancock, here.

Update March 20, 2015: Danforth doubles down, tries to get other donors to call for Hancock's ouster. Ok, so, like the History Museum, clearly the Republican party is a donor-driven entity, but who in fact is 'clear' of the crudest forms of racism and anti-semitism in that party? Danforth story here.

Update March 24, 2015: Somehow, hard to believe anything any of these people say.  Hancock ups the ante, hands one back to Danforth.  Humphreys backpedals on the affidavit below, and sends out a new one, here, says it wasn't November, it was September.  Which means that... not anti-semitic after all?