SLS Project is an info space for courses taught in the Anthropology Dept. at Washington U. in St Louis (Prof. Bret Gustafson). Confronting St. Louis and MO politics has made me a bit outspoken. Opinions are my own, not the university, not the students, not the department. On St. Louis: @slsproject On energy politics: @energy_politics
Monday, December 22, 2014
Bob McCulloch: Interview on KTRS December 19, 2014
See also NYT story on this, confirming that Witness 40 was not at the scene, yet was still brought before the Grand Jury.
Friday, December 19, 2014
ACLU Sues Ferguson-Florissant School District, claims electoral system undermines African-American vote - St. Louis American: Local News
More on the lawsuit here:
Tef Poe: How to Spot Violent Agitators at a Peaceful Protest
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Lauryn Hill, Black Rage (with commentary by Daniel Jose Camacho, Curator Magazine)
Black Rage is founded on two-thirds a personRapings and beatings and suffering that worsensBlack human packages tied up in stringsBlack Rage can come from all these kinds of things…Tef Poe (War Cry, "...racism is a conduit to white power...this ain't yo daddy's civil rights movement")
Kendrick Lamar...Untitled, "...tell them we don't die, we multiply..."
Reading Assata Shakur's autobiography, then comes Obama's Cuba thaw, and of course, this: struggle over her freedom
Now, the #HandsOffAssata Campaign: With background and info on FBI COINTELPRO history.
Assata's words, recited by activists after #Ferguson & #BlackLivesMatters actions:
It is our duty to fight for our freedom.It is our duty to win.We must love each other and support each other.We have nothing to lose but our chains.
2014128: Stephen Crockett, The Root NJ Authorities want Assata Shakur Back from Cuba to Finish Life Sentence
20141219 Shaun King, Daily Kos If Assata is a terrotist, then Timothy Loehman, Daniel Pantaleo, and Sean Williams are terrorists.
Revolutionary love: Ferguson protest leaders get engaged at City Hall - St. Louis American: Local News
Corporate Education Reform (Charters, TFA, High-Stakes Testing, Teacher Discipline, i.e. VAM) = Heading into collapse?
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
How many ways to express racism on social media?
Compiling examples of racism & racist use of social media. (Under construction, thoughts and examples)
1. Trolls. Twitter phenomenon -- a vocabulary of racism
2. Comments. (Post-Dispatch finally turned off commenting on its editorials because of the vitriol).
3. Photoshop/media manipulation (Imgur):
4. Facebook (check the Police Association's publicly accessible comments page & the cop talk blog page).
5. Blogworld/extremist media world...
6. Racist movements, in and outside of the digital space (KKK, community expressions against the NAACP march, bar offering a Michael Brown drink special…)
Stanford CREDO Director: Free Market Doesn't Work in Education...
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
WITNESS 40: Waiting for more on this to come in: 'Witness 40': Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson | The Smoking Gun
'Witness 40': Exposing A Fraud In Ferguson | The Smoking Gun
and Shaun King (and Chris Hayes) on Witness 40:
Riverfront Times on Witness 40, serial racist commenter, bipolar, history of false representations of knowledge about criminal cases, is this for real?
McCulloch confirms Witness 40 was not at the scene.
How have the region's political and economic actors responded to Ferguson?
Military and Police Response
Amnesty for warrants
STL City Govt:
20141204: Civilian oversight bill reintroduced to STL Board of Alders
MO Attorney General
20151218: Missouri Sues 13 St Louis Suburbs Over Predatory Traffic Fines (NYT)
MO Governor
Ferguson Commission
20140918 Emerson pledges money for educ, job training 'Ferguson Forward'
20150112 Dave Spence starts Ferguson 1000 Jobs; takes group to Harvard
Churches *"Ferguson Forward" slogan also being used by a local church.
The Regional Business Council started the fund with a $10,000 donation in the hopes that others would join in and help. Thank you to the kind and generous people who have stepped up since that inaugural donation to show the Ferguson community our support. The Regional Business Council is a St. Louis business organization set up to improve the quality of life in the bi-state St. Louis region. North County Regional Development Association is the 501(c)(3) arm of North County Inc. an economic and community development organization serving the North St. Louis County community.
#FergusonRebuild, #RebuildFerguson. Peter Kander, Missouri Sec'y of State, through promoted tweets, raising money to, well, the hashtag proclaims it. "Secretary of State Jason Kander on December 11, 2014 announced that he partnered with the Regional Business Council and North County Incorporated to create #FergusonRebuild, an initiative that will provide non-governmental grants to businesses in Ferguson and the surrounding area in partnership with the Reinvest North County Fund."
We were holding a press conference for #FergusonRebuild when a fundraiser broke out.
— Jason Kander (@JasonKander) December 11, 2014
Wash U
#WashUVoices: Wash U 'Voices'
WUMS/DBBS: See also:
- The St. Louis Regional Business Council and North County Inc. together established a “Reinvest North County” fund to assist businesses and school children affected in the wake of the unrest. We have made an institutional donation on behalf of Washington University. Those interested in donating can visit Reinvest North County.
- We have provided counseling support to the Ferguson-Florissant School District to better equip their employees to address the needs of their students.
- The PB&Joy Food Drive in support of Ferguson and neighboring communities is helping to put food on the dinner tables of families affected by the protests in Ferguson.
In Other News: The battle over public school reform is tied up in the national political struggle over workers' pensions (and rights). Institutional Investor offers a look at the political field.
Ferguson, Racial Tropes and the Politics of Scarcity » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Monday, December 15, 2014
Young Activists vs. the Establishment - Notes on NAN, NAACP March -- (Journey for Justice) - Nov 28 - Dec. 5, 2014 & Notes on Inter-generational tensions NAN/NAACP & Youth Activists
An inter-generational schism has emerged in the aftermath of Michael Brown's shooting (or so it is represented by most). Why? What is happening here? Implications for movements?
(--still compiling--)
NAACP Journey for Justice (Canfield Drive to Jefferson City, MO)
20141128: STL American: NAACP march starts tomorrow

20141210: STLA: Mother, daughter brave racist taunts...(pic, right).
20141211: STLA: NAACP completes Journey of Justice
20141212: STLA: NAACP in Justice for All march
Justice for All March (NAN) - Dec. 13, 2014
20141215: The Root: Sharpton responds to Criticism that his Movement [NAN, National Action Network] Excludes Younger Activists
20141213 Another March on Washington?.... Steven W Thrasher (Guardian)
Insights on city politics, from STL American's Political EYE: The Ferguson Commissions that weren’t - St. Louis American: Political Eye
Despite discrepancies, Dorian Johnson consistent in accounts of Brown shooting - St. Louis American: Local News
The quote from McCulloch seems a bit disingenuous. A case like this and one inadvertently omits the closest witness?
"It was brought to my attention that I omitted the FBI interview of Dorian Johnson. Upon review of the files, I discovered that I had inadvertently omitted a number of witness interviews and a few other documents which had been presented to the grand jury," he wrote. "It should be noted that the sworn testimony of these witnesses, including Johnson, was released on November 24, 2014."
Despite discrepancies, Dorian Johnson consistent in accounts of Brown shooting - St. Louis American: Local News: (CNN) -- Dorian Johnson, who was walking with Michael Brown before Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown in August, told remarkably similar…
ATHLETES, ACTIVISM, RACISM, APOLOGY: The athlete as "accidental activist" (Zirin) & racialized politics of the "apology" in the US...something to sort out (Tamir Rice was a 12 year old boy, killed by Cleveland Police; John Crawford was executed in a Walmart. Both were unarmed..)
20141215: Shaun King: In demanding apologies, police unions show white supremacy is a core value (Daily Kos)
20141215 Travis Waldron (Think Progress) Cleveland Police demand apology.... 20141215 All in w Chris Hayes (MSNBC) Police Union Chief calls killing of 12-year-old justified; and emotional, thoughtful reflections by Browns receiver Andrew Hawkins "justice means that the innocent should be found innocent...those who do wrong should get their due punishment, ultimately it means fair treatment...a call for justice shouldn't warrant an apology." 20141216 Dave Zirin (The Nation) Movements, athletes, "accidental activist" |
Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins wears a shirt calling attention to the police shooting of Tamir Rice before an NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014, in Cleveland.
Neither John Crawford or Tamir Rice broke 1 LAW when they were killed within 2 seconds by OHIO police & they want the @Browns to apologize?
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) December 15, 2014
No. Stop it. Cleveland Police: You don't get to ask for an apology for a shirt. You get to offer one for #TamirRice and #TaneshaAnderson
— No Justice No Peace (@drumbeats4peace) December 15, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
For the Sake of All researchers convene first public forum after report - St. Louis American: Local Business
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Charter schools in St. Louis team up to boost special education : News
Does not seem to be a sustainable model (depends on fund-raising, philanthropy).
Are pro-charter stories being pushed on the media by corporate interests in the face of growing evidence that charters are part of the problem, not part of the solution?
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Reflections on why these movements are different, great perspective
The Disruption This Time
L.A. KAUFFMAN December 08, 2014 The Baffler
Monday, December 8, 2014
Assignment 8: Public events, representation and experience. More anger, action at Ferguson Commission meeting : News
Notes, Dec. 8, 2014. 11:26 PM Having been reading Tweets on the Ferguson Commission's second meeting this evening, I then check the article posted to the Post-Dispatch site. The article is unobjectionable (til further review). However, absent, on first glance, from the Post-Dispatch report: On Twitter we see a different story: The PTSD spoken of by those who reacted viscerally, emotionally, and with outrage to Chief Dotson's attempt to establish a single narrative of events. People also reacted to heavy police presence, itself a trigger for those already traumatized by police action. Finally, there was a sense of indignation that Chief Dotson would speak in a way that sought to justify police actions, including the killing of Vonderitt Myers, while Vonderitt's parents were present, and the meeting itself was being held close to the site where Vonderitt was killed.
How does a public event get represented? How does it get experienced? What does this say about the state tactic of creating a "commission" as a path to supposed solutions?

Addendum, 12:15 AM. And, here's reporter David Hunn's own earlier tweet, left, from the meeting (with a response), that gets at some of the things that don't make it to the newspaper article itself:
Addendum, Dec. 9, 2014, 12:43 PM. Consider St Louis Public Radio's report (J Rosenbaum) on the event, with some audio of Chief Dotson's remarks and audience feedback.
Addendum, Dec. 11, 2014. 9:50 AM. Here is the Ferguson Commission's own description of the meeting.
Chicago: Police Using Iraq/Afghan US Military Music-as-Intimidation Strategies on American Citizens?
Not The Onion: "Chicago Police Squad Car Blasts 'Sweet Home Alabama' At West Side #BlackLivesMatter Protest"
— Jason Guthartz (@restructures) December 8, 2014
Full story here:
For reference:

US Military Interrogators also blast AC/DC, Eminem, Metallica to 'break' prisoners in interrogation sessions at Guantanamo and elsewhere. And music fused with combat missions, "Top 10 Songs for Combat."
Articulations: Education/Ferguson -- one angle here: Student Transfer Debate Has New Element: Ferguson
Tactics, strategies, and symbolism: Fans' group burns Rams gear -- interpret & discuss
Group Burns Rams Gear, Boycotts Team Over Players' Hands Up Gesture
Paul Eaton of Piedmont burns a Rams sweatshirt during an event calling for a boycott of the team on Sunday in Imperial.
Credit Stephanie Lecci
WUSTL alum Danielle Hayes reflects on race, racism and (high-school) student mobilizing in Cleveland, OH
Teacher | Humanities & Photography
Saint Martin de Porres High School
Cleveland, Ohio 44102
Ferguson Commission meetings, coming up: fieldwork/streetwork starts now...
Tactics, courage, women leading the way: Meet the BART-stopping woman behind “Black Lives Matter” (Grist)
Meet the BART-stopping woman behind “Black Lives Matter”
Picture is from, and see also:
From Heather Smith, Grist:
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
This is a thing: Movement Spaces and Police Represssion, the MoKabe's Case. Show me what Democracy looks like - MoKaBe's gassing 11-24-14
Video posted by @RebelutionaryZ (Original, uncut)
December 11, Riverfront Times story looking into the gas attack, police tactics, and Chief Dotson's responses. And, new video edited and released by activists (Video posted by @RebelutionaryZ), shows more:
Monday, December 1, 2014
Tactics and Dramaturgy: The March and the 'Die-In' - From Wash U: December 1, 2014 (New York Times)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Assignment #7: Analyze this. SLPOA calls for Rams players to be "disciplined" and to apologize for hands up gesture.
The St Louis Police Officers Association made this statement:
Some twitter activists considered the SLPOA language to be reflective of a plantation 'overseer's' mentality. Against the SLPOA's call for the NFL to punish these players, one commenter on the Deadspin story had this to say:
The Rams won the game that day, against the Oakland Raiders, 52-0.
Public School Activism & Movements & the University Campus: The TFA Debate
Social movement strategies: the (on-line) petition tied to a pledge for individual/institutional action (boycott/ban), circulated via Twitter.
A) Should university faculty take such positions? (whether you agree or not)
B) Where does this strategy fit into wider repertoires of contention?
C) What are the moral, empirical and ideological foundations (the knowledge claims) that sustain this strategy and this position?
Analysis of twitter on Ferguson: a visualization
And see the commentary at Fast Company:
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Assignment #5: Unpack white use of super-hero/cartoon character/wrestler metaphors & similes to describe blackness
#BlackLivesMatter Brown="demon"/"hulk hogan Rodney King="incredible hulk"/"Tasmanian Devil" Not a new playbook”
— LLS (@powwowasu) November 27, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Assignment #4: Dissect.
Protestors have left the area of Shaw & Klemm as SLMPD continues to protect the citizens of St. Louis #preservingpeace
— St. Louis, MO Police (@SLMPD) November 26, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Assignment #3: Discuss.
Well done protesters on how you have conducted yourself on I44. Peaceful protest. Well done @slmpd protecting them on highway. #NonViolence
— Robbyn Wahby (@rgwahby) November 25, 2014
Assignment #2: Discuss.
Rioters continue to throw rocks and bottles at officers at W. Florissant & Solway. Officers are obligated to protect life and property.
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
Assignment #1: Discuss.
Our focus is to ensure the safety of the region, protection of property and protect the constitutional rights of citizens. #preservingpeace
— St. Louis, MO Police (@SLMPD) November 25, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Law Prof Tells KMOX’s Mark Reardon Grand Jury Process In Ferguson Case Can’t Be Trusted « CBS St. Louis
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
On prominent Ferguson leaders
Ferguson officer's lawyer, union official, say AP story on grand jury confidence was misleading : News
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Windmiller appointed to governor’s Ferguson Commission | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Join us at the crossroads of Justice and Education to address racial inequality in Public Education.
Save this important date: Saturday, November 1, 2014,
8am-4pm at St. John's UCC Church, 4136 N. Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO.