Monday, December 15, 2014

ATHLETES, ACTIVISM, RACISM, APOLOGY: The athlete as "accidental activist" (Zirin) & racialized politics of the "apology" in the US...something to sort out (Tamir Rice was a 12 year old boy, killed by Cleveland Police; John Crawford was executed in a Walmart. Both were unarmed..)

20141215: Shaun King:  In demanding apologies, police unions show white supremacy is a core value (Daily Kos)

20141215 Travis Waldron (Think Progress) Cleveland Police demand apology....

20141215 All in w Chris Hayes (MSNBC) Police Union Chief calls killing of 12-year-old justified; and emotional, thoughtful reflections by Browns receiver Andrew Hawkins "justice means that the innocent should be found innocent...those who do wrong should get their due punishment, ultimately it means fair treatment...a call for justice shouldn't warrant an apology."

20141216 Dave Zirin (The Nation) Movements, athletes, "accidental activist"

Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins wears a shirt calling attention to the police shooting of Tamir Rice before an NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014, in Cleveland.