Wednesday, October 17, 2012

School Reform, But From Whose Perspective?

On the disconnect between wealthy corporate reformers and the real day-to-day lives and experiences of the people they claim to want to 'reform'

School Reform, But From Whose Perspective?

By Cheryl Scott Williams, in Education Week
... But the tone, language, and proposals for change currently articulated by the most prominent "reformers" at the national level reveal both a lack of knowledge and experience of the daily realities of even the most successful public schools and a total lack of respect for the professionals now working in public education. A New York Times article by Michael Winerip last year provided insight into the genesis of the worldview of these "reformers." It was chilling in its revelation of our country's movement toward endowing decisionmaking by only a privileged ruling class of leaders whose experience in no way reflects the background or upbringing of the majority of Americans.