Saturday, February 21, 2015

BlackHomesMatter: Screening of "The Hill" -- about eminent domain abuse, gentrification, etc. Tomorrow 2-5 PM at 14th St Community Gallery

This event is put on by the Ferguson Action Council. 

**Sunday, Feb 22, 2-5PM - Black Homes Matter: Movie Screening of "The Hill" (on New Haven, CT and gentrification) and Community Discussion to discuss eminent domain, Paul McKee and Pruitt-Igoe, 14th Street Community Gallery (2607 N 14th St., St. Louis MO)**

Movie Trailer: At one point in the trailer, one of the lawyers references the role of Yale University, which he says wants a "sanitized corridor" around the med school. The movie is incredibly relevant to us, especially given the role of Wash U in gentrifying the area around the med school. 
-submitted by a student