Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New NEPC Report: Reviews Claims on Benefits of Mayoral Governance

From the National Education Policy Center:

"Claims on Mayoral Governance Don't Stand up to Scrutiny"


William J. Mathis, (802) 383-0058, wmathis@sover.net
Katrina E. Bulkley, (973) 655-5189, bulkleyk@mail.montclair.edu

URL for this press release: http://tinyurl.com/bwyrk3h

BOULDER, CO (April 23, 2013) – A recent Center for American Progress report purports to find that school districts led by city mayors are raising student achievement while improving the districts’ fiscal health. A new review finds some useful information in the report, but says it is too flawed to rely on for policy guidance.

The report, Mayoral Governance and Student Achievement: How Mayor-Led Districts are Improving School and Student Performance, by Kenneth K. Wong and Francis X. Shen, was reviewed for the Think Twice think tank review project by Katrina E. Bulkley, Professor of Educational Leadership at Montclair State University. Her review is published today by the National Education Policy Center, housed at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education....
READ MORE AT: http://tinyurl.com/bwyrk3h